Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tiny piece

Guys, I read something today that I found to be so beautiful, that's why I'm writing it down for posterity.

"Eu quero rêver Paris."
or "I want to rêver Paris."

Rêver means "to dream" in French, while Rever means "to see again" in Portuguese. Isn't it pretty?

I can't stop imagining the implications... of the desire to see someone again or to dream about them, to return to someplace while awake or in your sleep.

Beautiful, beautiful.


Ozzer Seimsisk said...

this is very outdated, apart from the last text. I was gonna ask why there is no actual link from the pot. version, but I guess maybe you just don't give that much attention to this version?

I kinda felt compelled to make a en-version for my blog too, just for the fun of trabslating. Than I noticed I already write a lot in english o.o

*^_^* said...

Wonderful! Awesome!
Thanks for sharing, Talita! You make my day!