Saturday, April 10, 2010

To be designer

You know, the architect is a kind of designer. Or rather, architecture was the origin of design, and over time people discovered that we can form designers without having to teach the whole load of things that's only useful to architecture.

It's funny when you realize that our friends often don't know what we can do for them. I mean, everyone came to tell me that one day I'll design their homes, of course, and obviously I agreed. Or to make reforms. Perfect.

But what many don't know is that we can also design your website, your book, your magazine, your packaging, even your software or business structure. We did a design university course just for that. Not that I understand a lot of business structure, but I spent years learning to think about people in human processes, learning how to process as much information as possible to develop ideas, learning to synthesize knowledge to create projects, learning to work together, learning design processes.

Of course, each person has their own way of dealing with things. There are architects whose speciality is to conduct the actual construction, others that are good at designing homes, others that specialize in graphic design, others who are photographers. But theoretically they all know how to design, changing the theme only changes the speed at which the project goes, and the number of people on the team (designing a residence is relatively fast - because all information is in our heads - designing a stadium requires study and possibly consultations with experts of the sport's world, steel structures, etc.).

It's simple - the more knowledge accumulated in your head, the more you widen your range of design practice.

Particularly, I don't really care for the actual design - I'd rather be a project coordinator, perhaps even an information architect (or whatever that is called in english).

The funny thing today was - a friend needed an opinion of others on a magazine, and none of us had noticed before, there were three designers there, to give informed opinions. Two architects and a publicist. Funny how she hadn't thought we could perform this role. I think we hadn't realized it either, until she showed us the magazine and our designer genes came to light.

It's nice to find out that we can do for our friends even more than they think.

See ya.

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